Creativity Killers


There are seasons in my life when I feel more creative. When I stop to consider the reasons for a lack of creativity in a particular season, I try to make it right be either eliminating or adding something to my life. Here are my top 10 Creativity Killers:

  1. Too much media: whether social media, television or general internet browsing, if I spend a lot of time in front of the computer or telly, my creativity is affected in a negative way. I can almost sense my brain shutting down!
  2. Too much routine: now that being said, I do like some routine. However, when the “mundaness” of routine starts to work away at my creativity I’ll try to change things up, such as take a new route to work, stop by a new coffee shop, wear red lipstick or…go to the mountains!
  3. Over-stimulation: I can feel my creativity seeping away when my weeks (or months) that are extremely busy, packed with obligations that I cannot escape from and constant interaction with people. Being an introvert I have learned to protect my time, mind and creativity by saying, “No”.
  4. Clutter: I am by no means a neat freak. My home is cluttered most of the time…but I will make a corner that is free from the distractions that clutter can create. Clutter is definitely a form of over-stimulation (visually) as well, but I felt it needed its own ranking on the list. Now, there are times when I will go on a clutter busting rampage (Konmari Method…I’ll post about that experience later), but they are not very frequent.
  5. Anger: mmmm…yes. When I get angry my creativity is chipped away at like a hammer and chisel to stone! No doubt about it! In these moments I try to make a point to calm down and take a few deep breaths. Much of my anger/irritation comes from my own selfish desires…
  6. Not reading: if I don’t spend time reading quality material there is no spark to ignite my creativity. One person’s creativity can help bolster others. Not reading, and allowing my brain to be filled with junk from other sources does have a negative effect on the creative process.
  7. Not learning: I enjoy learning new things or new ways of doing something. Sometimes in the routine of life I forget to nourish the creative side by learning new things. Read a blog on how to do a painting technique, taking a belly-dancing class (yes I’ve done that & loved it!) or reading about a historical event helps to embolden my own creativeness. Go to the local library and pick up a book on a skill you would like to learn.
  8. Not practicing: Practice makes…well you know how this ends.
  9. Not brainstorming or journaling: It is important for me to keep a list or map of different thoughts and ideas to order my creativeness. I also find keeping a journal important so that I may review what I’ve been through, overcome and what I was reflecting on at the time.
  10. Fear: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of others opinions…the list goes on! Focusing on fear has a detrimental effect on my creativity. I believe the (hate this term…) older I get the less I am concerned about others opinions, but the fear tries to creep back.
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