Wife, mother, and friend. A born-again believer; “torn from darkness”-my motto based the verse 1 Peter 2:9. While distractions are a way of life for me, I’ve learned to live with and embrace them. It makes me who I am…who knows what you might find down a rabbit trail. So if you are looking for perfection, this isn’t the place for you. If you are looking to come alongside a soon to be empty nest-er who can laugh at herself, then welcome. I love reading, writing, planning and doodling. I am a great starter and an okay finisher (sometimes). I dream of travel and hope to see the world. DIY’s thrill and overwhelm me; in the middle of a camper reno…(3+ years). I’ve written some devotionals, essays, short stories, and 13 chapters of a fantasy novel. Maybe someday I will share some of my finished works here.
Heather “Hedy” B